Living with other people can be challenging. I know. I've been there, on both sides. Sometimes I was the "neurotic" roommate who couldn't stand the messes left by that "jerk." Other times I was the one getting "flack" for not being neat enough. The funny thing is that my habits didn't change- it's all a matter of perspective. Your habits, expectations, and approach to others are all a product of how you were raised as well as what's going on in your life right now. But you may not be comfortable opening up to your roommate/s about your childhood struggles or your current financial crisis.

My office is a place where you can come as a group to gain insight into patterns of conflict while maintaining privacy from each other about personal matters. Through a combination of individual and group meetings, we will explore problematic dynamics and discover the sources of tension. I will then guide you to improve your patterns of interaction with each other. In other words, we'll clear all the eggshells and you'll be able to live together more harmoniously.